Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Little Pink Book

Last week I took delivery of my newly published book, 'Plum Tree Faith', and gave a copy to a delightfully positive lady "whose true vocation was to rule the world" For some days there was no news, I expected the severest criticism, then, joy of joys, today she telephoned with that pinnacle of plaudits, "I picked it up and could not put it down".
At the time I was e-mailing my nephew, and so I said to him, the only thing that should interrupt the joy of a good book, is the supreme joy of making love.
Perhaps I now have license to indulge in some sales promotion, but there is no point.
Unless you are making love. right now you should buy this book, if you are making love - please take your time -  but once you are disentangled and feeling free, log on to, and buy this little book.
"It has more new ideas than 2,000 years of sermons".
As few people visit this blog, multiply the enjoyment, spread it out on the internet
 and buy more copies for your friends.
Love andf Blossoms
Archpip Plumtree.