Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Great Deceit

The Christian religion is not telling the truth. In some cases it is by mistake, in others it is to deliberately mislead, and their insistence that worshippers blindly follow their teachings, destroys much human happiness. Their levels of falsehoods and contradictions need to be expunged from their gospels. Let us express our love of God, of each other, and the joy of life on earth.
     God is present in every human being, He is our conscience, our sense of what is right or wrong, and we are honest because He is with us. Dishonesty has no place in our love of God or in our love of each other. The ultimate expression of love between two people, is a sexual love, where the intensity of affection finds expression in surrendering to sublime desires, giving Heaven sent bliss, crowned by ecstasy, followed by the glow of peaceful and total relaxation. It is the perfect therapy for worldly cares, and the foundation stone of a happy  life between man and woman, or others in love. To state that it is purely for procreation, is a silly stupid lie.
     God gave us a brain to think with; it is not for remembering. The brain is a factory, not a warehouse. and the for religion to ask us to believe without questioning, and deny our God given powers of thought, is a huge deceit. Christianity is born of times past, and based on the gospels and Bible, written over 2,000 years ago. [There are magnificent truths, but too many deceits]
     Mankind has moved on from the days when it was 'believed' the sun revolved around the Earth, and has 'created' the arts of music, painting, literature, and film, we have discovered the wonders of the universe, air transport, the mobile phone, and scientific discoveries, especially in medicine, beyond the wildest imagination of anyone alive in biblical times, yet we are expected to believe in their unchanging religion!
     God, according to them, is everlasting and all seeing, He must have noticed these changes, and He probably inspired many of them. {Is He asking me to write these words?] It seems that God was not content to leave the world as Christianity tells us, but is encouraging us to be creative. Creation did not happen, past tense, it is happening all around us, human intelligence continually increases, discoveries are made, continents shift, and mountains rise.It is clear that creation is a continuing process, and we are here to play our part in God's work. We have to understand that we are not here to damage or pollute the earth, but  to cherish and protect it.
     In tandem with this, comes the obvious deceit that God gave man 'dominion' over the Earth and all life upon it. This cannot be true, for God in his infinite wisdom would know that this 'dominion over', would come to the minds of some men as meaning 'ownership of'', and this is the seed  corn of all tyrants, the cause of most wars, second only to the violence, wars and discord between various factions that claim to represent Him!
      The desire for ownership and control of land and people, the fanatical beliefs of religions, these are the two elements that have caused generations of enslavement and murder of the innocent.
     These are he people for whom Jesus spoke, "set my people free", that is why the powerful murdered Him.
     Every time a person speaks out against injustice or malpractice,it follows this usual course. First comes the denial, with outrage from the accused, then comes the cover up. Was the resurrection of Jesus a cover up?  Did the authorities steal his body, and then put out the elaborate story He had 'ascended into Heaven'? The horrific crucifixion, was calculated to send out the strongest message to quell any dissent. Yet the power of His words must have created a mood within the people, and to counter this, they put out the news Jesus had gone to Heaven. to join His Father. This was true of hs soul, but not his body.
      The came Easter, the communion, the drinking of His blood, the eating of His flesh, a ritualised grooming, handed down for centuries, gathering belief and piety. These and the celebration of the crucifixion, are nothing but  macabre illustrations of the gullibility of mankind.
    We all have within our minds, the ability to converse with God, to discuss all aspects of our life, and human existence, our hope our fears. By these means, we are helped to see what is right and what is wrong, what makes sense and what does not; of that which He approves, condones, forgives, or condemns. The basis of true human life, is a Holy Trinity of words; Honesty, Responsibility, and Courage. It is time all the people of this planet, God's world, embraced these three words, and spoke of them to the incredible and indivisible intelligent life form that permeates our planet and the universe. When we converse freely with God, we will be able to meet the wishes of Jesus, and  with His help, 'set ourselves free'..
      May this bring peace on earth, and goodwill in all mankind. My prayers are that this real and kindly God, will somehow become a presence in your lives, and increase your joys of life on planet earth.
Frederick C Webb.