Friday, September 23, 2016

Pope on Twitter

I just had 'Twitter' news of the Pope blaming journalism for bad news. Somewhat curious at this Catholic concern, reminiscent of the road sign, 'Diversion', I fire off this reply.
The Pope's job, as a principal member of the self appointed agents for our Creator, is to counter such doom with truthful opinions, that we can assume have his Masters approval.
What does the Pope's God have to say about 4 million Syrian refugees? Are his, and all other religions, aware that some person, supposedly acting on behalf of 'their' God, has caused this mayhem?
Although it is a different religion, I read that they claim there is only one God, thus it is the same God as yours..
I ask you, Mr Pope, Mt Archbishop of Canterbury, and your many and varied etc's, what do you believers in God have to say about this?
Don't write back to me; and don't limit the news by preaching  it to your congregation. Walk your brains out of  your cloisters: give them some air, and then spill your thoughts to the considerably larger World outside your churches.
Blessings and Blossoms
Ardchpip Plumtree

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