Friday, October 31, 2014


Humour is an essential element in our lives. It simply does not exist in religions, and is swamped by piety and rituals. Stress is a killer, laughter relieves stress, and religions are without humour. As a logical equation it seems that religions insist on miserable piety, and don't mind in the least if some of us die with stress.
Humur comes from a different view of life that is created in our brains, and who made those brains, God.
I've met a lady who is a Pagan, so I looked it up in my pocket dictionary.
"Pagan male, watch it sunshine."
"Pagan female, Cor!!!"
The knees of the Archpip are utterly opposed to 'kneeling.' At the same time they insist on being given voice, with appropriate absolution for the offence their 'gristly' opinions may engender. Thus with my blessings, and under their battle slogan of 'Stand up for Christ's sake,' as their Christmas Present, I will soon be opening up a blog entitled the 'Nine O'Clock Knees,' with knees flashes from kneeshopunds all over the world.
The intention is to let all knees sing out, let the knees dance a jig, and let the knees cut loose the political and religious chains of politics and religion that imprison our brains and our joy of life.
Blessings and Blossoms
Archpip Plumtree.