Thursday, October 18, 2018

The 'Flack' of Dr Welby

The 'Flack' of Dr Welby.
It seems out venerable Archbishop, highly educated, a man of business, the 'the' man of the people, is unable to spell.
Flock, is the assortment of congregations up and down the country, to which his church administers their version of the teachings of Jesus. It is such an interesting account of life after death, it guarantees the attendance of people over 80 years of age, and others with terminal illness.
Truly a jolly night out.
To entice the alcoholics and the starving, they describe a glass of watered down cheap wine, and a  biscuit, as 'communion'. This they state is communion with God, but in a modern world, eating flesh and drinking blood, is better suited to things other than affection.
Could not the focus be on a happy life here, one we can enjoy, as opposed to one we are asked to imagine happens to us in the 'here' after.
A practical word; fun after we are dead, is a great deal cheaper than the fun we have wen we are alive.
Then a practical thought on his 'Flack,' the bombs in midair that shoot us down.

If you held the purse of the world, why pay for anything now? Everyone dies,  if you can persuade people that something better will come, tomorrow, then no need to spend a penny.
The church has some £15 billion invested, owns property in thousands of prime sites, and then asks you to give to the poor?
I went to Sunday school, Jesus rode about on a donkey,or walked. Where did all this money and cathedrals come from? Three or four hundred years ago, a man could be hung for poaching a rabbit. and one hundred years ago, kids died of starvation, rickets, malnutrition, or TB.
I suppose in those days, the church was utterly skint, voiceless.
And now an EU directive, tells me I can be sued for upsetting a citizen of the EU!
I am not allowed to say, "The king is in the altogether!" and neither are you, or anyone else.
Frederick the Archpip Plmtree.