Sunday, July 13, 2014


 Babies have empty tummies and empty heads. It is the responsibility of parents and society to nourish both. Baby will scream for food, thus an empty tummy is immediately obvious, but baby's mind gives no such warning of emptiness. All parents, writers, children's t/v, and advertising should give a lot more thought to what is presented to a child's brain, and build in some good human qualities. If a baby eats bad food it will be sick, if fed bad thoughts, it will grow up with a sick mind, very difficult if not impossible to cure.
Not to brainwash into some robot,but to continually freshen up with all the glories of human existence, laughter, friendship, honesty, trust, music, dance, and the richness of living on planet earth..
Let us spread the blossoms and juices of life, and begin the day baby is born.
Archpip Plumtree

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