Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christman, ah Christmas, time to celebrate the birth of hope, the end of oppression, freedom to think, Jesus set his people free.
Almost immediately, religions sprung up to put us back into jail. What is worse, they use rituals and gospels to groom us into blind obedience, and where there is a difference of worship, we kill each other. Absolute ignorant irrational, and totally un-godly mayhem.
For little children, Christmas is the time of gifts and dreams.
'Dreams are not Enough, they need courage and grit, else they turn into empty day dreams and are forgotten. At some time, every life will face difficulties and hardship, sometimes at a very early age. When 'Grit' is used to overcome these problems, it turns into a pearl that glows from within the heart, and will, for the rest of any life,  light the way.'
That is the Christmas message of Lord Grit to all children.
Prayer is asking for help, worship is a form of communication with the supreme intelligence, and by this two way exchange, we can all know whether or not God is with us. I suspect He does not approve of slaughter on His behalf.
If what you read on this blog makes you think, please link it to your friends. thinking is not a terminal illness, and some may quite like it.
Love and Blossoms Archpip Plumtree.

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