Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It is Christmas,.
The birth of Jesus, the birth of hope, the birth of his message, 'peace on earth, goodwill to all mankind.
For this he was murdered, horrifically.
Yesterday, in Pakistan, the Taliban murdered over 100 schoolchildren.
A few days ago, a young lady from Pakistan was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In Iraq and Syria, the 'God' of that region is the Kalashnikov and the knife.
It seems this 'God' wants weapons to replace all and every man's intelligence.
But it was God who gave mankind its intelligent creative brain.
God is shooting God.

It is Christmas,
Is Santa Clause a target?
Will some irritable Lapland herdsman shoot down his Reindeer and sledge, kill Santa and plunder his sack of presents, most of them for children.
And as he tows this booty into Stockholm, dead reindeer's, a beheaded Santa, a blood stained sledge, will he expect the blonde and beautiful virgins to fall at his feet?

It is Christmas.

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