Sunday, September 6, 2015

Multinationals and internet giants, can only earn their vast revenues from countries that have political  and economic stability, this requires an acceptable structure and organisation, operated by leaders of the people of those nations.
People, either as individuals or groups, understand that accepting their responsibility to contribute to moral and financial obligations, are absolutely essential for the welfare of the citizens, and the continuance and further advances for their nation. [Greece is a possible exception.]
They pay their taxes. They get involved in the running of their countries. Some quite ordinary people, not of great intellectual abilities, are hugely valuable to their nation.
Then we come to the multinationals and internet giants, where corporate brains are incandescent and luminous, yet their greatest desire is to avoid taxes, and become billionaires.
Laws are laws, theft is theft, avoiding taxes is stealing from the poor, there is no 'Tax Man'.
Time for the 'Big Bullies' to get a grip of their obligations, time for them to concern themselves with widespread indoctrination, and the violence that  poverty and inequality engenders.
With world stability and the increase and spread of wealth, in ten years they could double their profits, and pay their taxes.
In the huge continent of Africa, a huge percentage live without the chance of betterment. Millions of Arabs, after decades of watching the Western world grow rich, are being coerced into reverting to medieval barbarism.
The gap grows ever wider, and you 'Big Bullies' and your clever dick accountants, run off to a tax havens, what cowardice.
Your true place, is right there in the refugee camps or battle zones, where you can see why taxes need to be paid
Unless  you look after the plum tree, you cannot pick plums
Archpip Plumtree

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