Sunday, December 13, 2015

Forbidden Fruit

According to some 'pundit', in the paper, making love is the 'Forbidden Fruit, and the cause of man's downfall. Without this succulent and sublime fruit, that pundit would not be alive, a fact he conveniently overlooks. To declare, "go out and multiply", and then make it a cardinal sin, seems a great paradox. I think it has more to do with some dried up, pious, miserable celibate, than a glorious intelligent loving God. It is time Christianity sorted this out.
The Christian religion states that the human race was created by God, and from this we aught be entitled to consider He is more intelligent than we are. God gave mankind freedom of thought, the ability to think, and most of us agree that making love is a wonderful and therapeutic pleasure. It is only manufacturers of psychiatrists couches that think otherwise.
Soon we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, whose message was, "set my people free".
They were not all in a prison, their 'jail' was the exploitation and oppression they endured. The freedom Jesus spoke of, was the people's freedom to think and play a part in the advance of civilisation. Today we are forced to endure the arrogance, inhumanity, and bullying of the utilities and others, whose remoteness reduces the quality of life.
There is more. On hearing  Archbishop Welby was outraged by the Paris murders, and was going to "talk to God", this outraged Daily Mail 'pundit', thundered that Dr Welby had lost his faith, and should immediately revert to the Bible.
Did he know God was too busy to talk to the Archbishop?
"Houston, we have a problem".
I believe we can all talk to God, He lives within us, in our minds, blended to our moral and ethical values. To me, replacing a conversation with a living God, and replacing it with reading the Bible written 2,000 years ago by men, is like following a recipe from the cookery book, when 'The Chef' is in the kitchen.
Blessings and Blossoms. Merry Christmas.
Archpip Plumtree

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