Wednesday, June 1, 2016

politics/religion - REFERENDUM.

'They' say we must never talk about politics or religion. From this we can only deduce that people have been persuaded not to interfere with how their country is managed while they are alive, and not to think about what happens to them, after they are dead.
Thankfully the Plum Tree Faith does not subscribe to either of these constipated gospels. The plums withered relative, the prune, is noted for releasing the bowels, and the freshness of ripe Victoria plums, is an excellent refresher of the human mind.
It is utterly and completely illogical for any person to believe that God gave them a brain; and then encourages his earthly agents, the priests, to tell us we are not to question anything about religion: belief is all. Politicians would like to groom the electorate into similar mindless voting, beware.
"These boots are made for walking", but if the left one is made by a political cobbler, and one by a religious cobbler, must we not put them on our feet? Perhaps we ought use them to keep our hands warm, or hang them around our necks as some leather adornment.
What a load of 'cobblers'.
Of course we are intended to think deeply about how we live, wonder what may happen to our soul after we die, and may I suggest how we behave 'down here', has a significant influence on how we are treated when we get 'up there'.
Lord Grit is a benevolent character bulldog, with unconditional love of his human masters. If you put his name into your search engine, you will see his view of the referendum, and although it has the blessing of this Archpip, you must use your own brains to decide.
Archpip Plumtree

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