Saturday, July 2, 2016

God and Politics

God and Politics, is a request to our maker, to introduce the highest moral and ethical values to politics, where telling lies must never be used to win votes. [The plumtreefaith is not about the God of religion, it is about a powerful entity, I cal it 'The Pinkness', that influences human thought, the rational conclusion must be that our 'Maker' gave us brains to THINK with] A victory for democracy, results in treachery, leaving some 70 million people concerned about their future, here is the view of my intensely patriotic alter ego.

Lord Grit's speech for Boris
"I intend to deliver my pledge, and create a better, greater Britain. We will continue our friendships and trade with the EU nations, but as of now, all agreements are in a state of suspension, awaiting negotiation.
          To protect this nations interests, some decisions must be taken immediately. A great manufacturing nation needs heavy industry, and our steel and shipbuilding industries will be restored under British ownership, and given support, Our borders will now be controlled by us, and our fishing rights and industry reclaimed. UK companies that export outside of the EU, will no longer need to complete EU forms.
           The vote to leave expressed the desire for a better quality of life, a better way of governance. From today, every bank, utility industry, and other large organisations, must improve service to their customers, as must Government Departments.
            Our tax laws will be based on the premise that all profits and earnings in this country, will pay the taxes of this country. My target level for the free pay allowance, is £15,000 pa, this will put £15, pw in every pay packet, and take millions of the lower paid out of taxation. There will now be sufficient tax inspectors to ensure this lift in allowances, is paid for by correct collection from the rich. Cash abuses in the building trade, costing billions in Vat and income tax, will also contribute.                People convicted of a criminal offence, will on sentencing, have their honours withdrawn.

The 'Them and Us' society must end.

           It is my objective to resolve the post code lottery of education and health. As soon as possible, these two cornerstones of life, will be raised to the level of the best providers.  The housing shortages will be eased by a 'let to buy' scheme for the young, and a 'let to retire' for single elderly people.
           There are two very vulnerable stages in human life, the 0-5's and the elderly. There will be greater vigilance and encouragement for our very young, and adequate facilities for the very old.
            These projects will be paid for as follows:- the net EU budget of £12 billion, internet and multinational avoidance £10 billion. The 'offshore' fiddles of £15 billion or more, the building trade £5 billion, the profit from, and employment in fishing and heavy industry £5 billion: a total of £47 billion a year, every year.
            The moment this income stream is verified, we will build a bullet train from Glasgow/Edinburgh to London, and a new airport in the Thames estuary.
            These projects help fulfill the expectation of those who voted to leave. The clarity of purpose and improvements, will benefit and reassure those who voted to remain. It opens more opportunities to the young, more are planned. I hope they will be pleased at the greater fairness and care in their society, and give it their support. Scotland, London, and other 'remain' regions might now want to be part of this better Britain, as might Eire.
           The 'Vote Leave' showed a clear desire to say goodbye to forty years of 'fudge and forms'. It says hello to PEPP, where People and their Enterprise, will lead to decades of Progress and Prosperity

Lord Grit for Boris, [who has been forced out, but who set his country free]"

During meditation and 'chats' with 'The Pinkness' my kind of God, I sensed I was getting a bit of 'outside' input for this speech, in any event, no thunderbolt has yet come through my ceiling.
Archpip Plumtree.

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